In just five years, the PDLI has not only become a reference entity in the defence of freedom of expression and information in Spain. We have also accomplished major achievements, including:
- The withdrawal from the Data Protection Law of its most dangerous articles, both during its parliamentary stage and also through having managed, with the assistance of other legal experts and organisations, to have one article declared unconstitutional (SEE: New victory over the Data Protection Law: The Constitutional Court invalidates ideological profiling for election propaganda and: Victory for freedom of expression: the new Data Protection Law waives control over digital content and ending Internet anonymity )
- The first victory of a media organisation over the Organic Law on the Protection of Citizen Security. (SEE: A complaint from the PDLI results in the first victory of a media organisation against #leymordaza (Gag law) )
- The withdrawal of the accusation of the crime of breach of confidence against two journalists from ABC (SEE: Protest of the PDLI against the State General Public Prosecutor for requesting jail time for two ABC journalists and The PDLI satisfied with the rectification of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the case of the “ABC” journalists), or the release of two Turkish journalists, Akhanli and Yalçin arrested in our country. (See: The role of the PDLI, key in the release of Hamza Yalçin and The PDLI satisfied with the release of Dogan Akhanli )
- In addition, we have managed to reach significant consensus and social support in matters such as criminal limits to freedom of expression or the risk of using the battle against false news to control the media or the Internet through Manifestos that generated ample and diverse support. (See: Manifesto in defence of the freedom of expression and creation and the right to protest)
- In 2018, the PDLI created the ‘Women’ area to influence gender issues and defend and promote the rights of women journalists. Within this area, we have promoted: participation in the movement ‘las periodistas paramos’ (Women journalists strike); the creation of an Observatory for monitoring online harassment of women journalists or the ‘I Congress on Feminism and Media’

In 2015, the PLI was nominated for the José Couso Freedom of the Press Award.
In 2017 the PLI received the Freedom of Expression Award granted by the Unió de Periodistes Valencians “for denouncing the effects of the gag law on freedom of expression”.
In 2019, the PDLI was shortlisted for the ‘Hay Derecho’ Award.